The Back to Flagstaff Committee, a non-profit organization consisting of Flagstaff residents and former residents, is dedicated to serving as a valuable resource in the community and for the City of Flagstaff. Our primary focus is on celebrating the heritage, traditions, and cultural diversity of the African-American Community. We also acknowledge the achievements of former African-American community members and their contributions to the city’s development. Additionally, we are committed to addressing challenges that affect the African-American community and the city as a whole.
Click on each image to learn more.
President & Founder
President & Founder
Executive Celebration Administrator
Executive Celebration Administrator
Gregory Coleman, born in 1958 and raised in Flagstaff, Arizona, currently resides in Phoenix with his wife Sharon. They have two children and four grandchildren. Throughout his life, Gregory has been deeply involved in various organizations, playing a significant role in Arizona communities:
Gregory is known for his committed personality, always ready to help and serve others in his communities.
Executive Treasurer & Secretary, Awards Dinner Co-Coordinator
Executive Treasurer & Secretary, Awards Dinner Co-Coordinator
Executive Director, Planning and Events
Executive Director, Planning and Events
Executive Director, Marketing & Annual Golf Classic Tournament
Executive Director, Marketing & Annual Golf Classic Tournament
Gala Dinner Coordinator
Gala Dinner Coordinator
Executive Celebration Awards Coordinator
Executive Celebration Awards Coordinator
Executive Coordinator of Youth/Adult Sports Programs
Executive Coordinator of Youth/Adult Sports Programs
Executive Committee Technology Administrator
Our committee has a dual mission. Biennially, we organize a citywide event that celebrates and preserves the traditions and cultural practices of the African American community. This event provides residents, both current and former, with a platform for networking and giving back to the community, serving as role models for future generations. We also run a mentoring and leadership program aimed at tackling issues such as drug abuse, teen pregnancy, and gang violence. Through education and awareness initiatives, we seek to enlighten students and citizens about the detrimental impact of these issues on the African American community and the city as a whole. Ultimately, our mentoring program strives to nurture productive and respected future citizens and leaders within our community and city.