Youth Basketball Tournament

Boys and Girls

Back To Flagstaff Basketball Skills Challenges

Date: July 1, 2024

Location: Fort Tuthill campgrounds at the BTF Classic Big Family Picnic
 Maricopa Ramada Basketball Courts
Registration Start Time: 9:00 AM
Basketball Skills Challenges Start Time: 10:00 AM
End Time: 2:00 PM
      • Basketball skills challenges event
      • 3-point challenge
      • Free throw challenge

Free registration for this event – Sign up at the park campground.

This event is more than just a basketball competition; it’s an opportunity for young athletes to come together, learn, grow, and form lasting friendships. Here’s what you can expect:

The 2024 BTFC 3 on 3 Basketball Tournaments will be held at Flagstaff High School on June 30th starting at 9:00 AM. To sign up for the tournament, you must go to the BTFC online.

Team Registration & Waiver

  • Team Registration – Complete online registration. The deadline to register your team is May 31st . Registration fee is $160 per team. Your team can receive a $20.00 discount if registered by April 31st.
  • 3 to 4 Players per team.
  • BTF Team T-Shirts are $22.
  • Waiver – Complete online registration. Guardian of each player must complete by May 31st.


Game Format & Rules

  • The check-in time at the gym is 8:00 AM.
  • ALL players must check in before warming up.
  • Court assignments will be provided during check-in.
  • Games begin at 9:00 AM 15-minute games.
  • The first team to 11 points (by 1’s) wins!
  • The winner must win by 2 points or first team to 15 points, whichever comes first.
Game Play
  • Possession changes after every basket.
  • If a 3-point line exists, all shots beyond the line are worth 2 points.
  • “Take Backs” on defensive rebounds, air balls, and steals the ball must be passed dribbled beyond the arc.
  • All out-of-bound plays must be checked in at the top of the key. The ball must be touched (checked In) by a defensive player before the offensive play can begin.
  • All games will have a referee.

Age Groups
7 – 89 – 1011 – 12
13 – 1415 – 1617 – 18



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